
access Ext format storage media from windows environment
download : http://www.fs-driver.org/

this install file is verry simple and usefull for windows - linux users

basically windows dosent support ext* type
when u wanna access to ext* format media by windows pc,
you setup this file into your windows pc, you can use ext format media system


apache 2.0 <-> tomcat connect

apache2.0 이상 버전에서만 지원됨. apache와 tomcat의 deamon은 우선적으로 꺼둬야 한다
1. /etc/httpd/conf.d/proxy_ajp.conf 파일을 연다
2. 맨마지막 라인에 다음의 커맨드를 추가한다. RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{PATH_INFO} .jsp [OR] RewriteCond %{PATH_INFO} ^/* RewriteRule (.*) ajp://localhost:8009$1 [P]
3. 저장하고 빠져나온다.
4. httpd.conf 에서 LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so 라인의 주석을 제거한다.
5. httpd 데몬을 재시작한다.
6. tomcat 실행 후 apache를 실행한다


Fedora 9 Linux on iMac G3

몇번 시행 착오 끝에 맥에 페도라를 깔긴 했는데....
에이씨, 매캔토시 이런 꼬물딱지

new cell phone
samsung sch-m480 (i780 is over sea model name)
Windows mobile
Touch screen
Support T-Flash card slot
qwerty keyboard
Finger mouse
2M pexels cmos camera
Full web browsing

LINUX vs WINDOWS basic commands

show list ls / dir
make directory mkdir / mkdir , md
delete dirctory rmdir / rmdir , rd
show directory tree ls -R / tree
delete file rm / del , erase
copy file cp / copy
move file mv / move
change name mv / rename
change directory cd / cd
show current directory pwd / cd
clear screen clear / cls
command anlaysis sh, csh, bash / command.com
show file cat / type
help, manual man / help
exit exit / exit
thime date / time
echo echo / echo
set path set,env / set
show path echo $PATH / path
o/s version uname -a / ver
show user information finger / fingerping ping / ping
routing table route -n / route print
domain name server query tool nslookup / lookup
telnet telnet / telnetftp ftp / ftp네트work path trace traceroute / tracert
find string in file find / find
find string in file grep / findstr
list more / more
look differences with two files diff / fc, comp
line editor ed / edlin
align sort / sort
copy with under directory cp -R / xcopy
file properties lsattr / attrib
pushd pushd / pushd
move to pushd dirctory popd / pupd
hide file mv file .file / ATTRIB +h or -h
compress tar , zip / pkzip
show process inform. ps, top / taskmgr
host name hostname / hostname
scheduling at, cron / at
kill process kill , killall / tskill
shutdown shutdown, halt, init 0 / shutdown
file system mke2fs / format
show ip, interface ifconfig / ipconfig
fdisk fdisk / fdisk
check disk fsck / chkdsk
show free memory free, top / mem
scandisk fsck, debugfs / scandisk
print file lpr / print
show prints que lpq / print
start gui environment startx / win

Nike courage commercial

i like this


City space

social network games based on world wide web.
City space
