download : http://www.fs-driver.org/
this install file is verry simple and usefull for windows - linux users
basically windows dosent support ext* type
when u wanna access to ext* format media by windows pc,
you setup this file into your windows pc, you can use ext format media system
apache2.0 이상 버전에서만 지원됨. apache와 tomcat의 deamon은 우선적으로 꺼둬야 한다
1. /etc/httpd/conf.d/proxy_ajp.conf 파일을 연다
2. 맨마지막 라인에 다음의 커맨드를 추가한다. RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{PATH_INFO} .jsp [OR] RewriteCond %{PATH_INFO} ^/* RewriteRule (.*) ajp://localhost:8009$1 [P]
3. 저장하고 빠져나온다.
4. httpd.conf 에서 LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so 라인의 주석을 제거한다.
5. httpd 데몬을 재시작한다.
6. tomcat 실행 후 apache를 실행한다
LINUX vs WINDOWS basic commands
show list ls / dir
make directory mkdir / mkdir , md
delete dirctory rmdir / rmdir , rd
show directory tree ls -R / tree
delete file rm / del , erase
copy file cp / copy
move file mv / move
change name mv / rename
change directory cd / cd
show current directory pwd / cd
clear screen clear / cls
command anlaysis sh, csh, bash / command.com
show file cat / type
help, manual man / help
exit exit / exit
thime date / time
echo echo / echo
set path set,env / set
show path echo $PATH / path
o/s version uname -a / ver
show user information finger / fingerping ping / ping
routing table route -n / route print
domain name server query tool nslookup / lookup
telnet telnet / telnetftp ftp / ftp네트work path trace traceroute / tracert
find string in file find / find
find string in file grep / findstr
list more / more
look differences with two files diff / fc, comp
line editor ed / edlin
align sort / sort
copy with under directory cp -R / xcopy
file properties lsattr / attrib
pushd pushd / pushd
move to pushd dirctory popd / pupd
hide file mv file .file / ATTRIB +h or -h
compress tar , zip / pkzip
show process inform. ps, top / taskmgr
host name hostname / hostname
scheduling at, cron / at
kill process kill , killall / tskill
shutdown shutdown, halt, init 0 / shutdown
file system mke2fs / format
show ip, interface ifconfig / ipconfig
fdisk fdisk / fdisk
check disk fsck / chkdsk
show free memory free, top / mem
scandisk fsck, debugfs / scandisk
print file lpr / print
show prints que lpq / print
start gui environment startx / win